SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Creation - Empire Marketing, Toledo, Ohio
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Website Marketing

Increase Sales With Website Marketing


We all know your website is one of the most vital parts of your business. It serves as a point of entry for new clients looking to learn about you. Website Marketing sole focus is on driving sales thru SEO and other digital marketing mediums. It drives both new and more importantly repeat customers back time and again.


Below are the mediums Empire Marketing offers for Website Marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website so that it performs well in organic search. Ranking highly for search terms which are known as keywords increases the visibility of a website and leads to a higher number of visitors to the actual website.


Put more simply, SEO will allow you to connect with those searching for your product or service and help turn them into customers.


As a business owner you need to have a plan in place to promote your business and obtain new clients. SEO should be a part of that plan and here are just a few of the reasons why:


  • Leads generated from SEO close at an average of 15% which is 12% higher than the conversion rate for outbound leads.
  • In a recent survey by Hubspot only 9% of businesses using inbound marketing with SEO failed to see an ROI. If it works for 91% or businesses, it is very likely to work for you too.
  • Blogging is a leading source of leads and traffic for businesses when they are properly optimized for search. SEO will make sure you blog posts get found and drive traffic.


SEO is unarguably one of the best ways to connect with targeted consumers and share your offer. Implementing an effective SEO strategy is not straightforward or easy though, especially with all of the recent updates to Google’s SEO ranking algorithm. Which is why it essential to partner with Empire Marketing. We will customize a plan to move your company to the top of the search engines.

Pay Per Click (PPC)


PPC advertising gives you the opportunity to pay for top positions on search engines and appear on relevant partner websites. Pay-per-click marketing delivers instant traffic and offers many ways to compliment existing SEO strategies by testing keywords, business models, and marketplace verticals, and it allows you to develop your overall Internet marketing strategy, and any SEO plans armed with facts, not assumptions.


There is a science to finding high numbers of low volume keywords (very specific long tail keywords) that are less expensive to advertise on but still provide significant ROI. These can be used to hedge against the more expensive high volume keywords, significantly lowering the average cost-per-click (CPC) across your entire campaign.


Google AdWords
PPC advertising delivers instant traffic by placing you at top positions on search engines. With Google accounting for two-thirds of all US searches, AdWords remains the most effective PPC advertising vehicle. It not only places your site in prominent view of searchers, but AdWords enrollment also provides you with the ability to test keywords, complementing your existing SEO strategies.


Bing Ads
If 100% of the Internet doesn’t search exclusively on Google, why should your ad campaign be limited to it? Bing has a 20% market share of searches performed in the United States. Empire Marketing can get you started using Bing PPC services, or overhaul your current campaign. With ad creation, optimization, and management services, we can help you get the most out of your search advertising on Bing. Bing Ads also includes the Yahoo search engine.


Facebook Advertising
Facebook advertising presents a perfect complement to any search marketing campaign. With 1.01 billion daily active users and 894 million mobile daily active users, Facebook is the premier social media platform. It features a robust advertising platform that can help spread your message to a wide swath of people. Businesses can target Facebook users in two ways.


Empire Marketing offers complete re-targeting services, including campaign development and management services. Our expertise ensures that businesses spend their ad dollars on the users most likely to convert, rather than throwing mud at the wall and hoping it sticks.

Social Media Management


The rise of social media has revolutionized the way the marketing industry now works.


Not only does it give businesses a platform to meet their current & potential customers, it means that clients and customers now expect the ability to communicate with businesses in real-time.


Social media makes it easy to improve brand awareness, build your identity and give your business personality that people can relate to. Here’s five reasons why you need to implement social media into your marketing strategy:


1. Your audience is growing on social media
Facebook has over 500 million active users that spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. Twitter has over 100 million users and tweet 55 million tweets a day. LinkedIn has over 75 million members in over 200 countries.


Users of social media platforms are growing at such a fast rate and it is certainly becoming an everyday norm to update your status on your lunch break, and upload pictures from your weekend. It’s important to be on social media to effectively target your audience, because they will be on there in one way or another.


2. Gain customer insight
Social media platforms generate a huge amount of data about your customers in real-time. Behind all the numbers and data there is a wealth of information about your customers. You can find out:


  • Who they are
  • Where they are
  • How they feel about your brand
  • What they like and much more.


If utilized properly, this information could be used to tailor your social media approach when it comes to communicating with customers.


3. Build strong relationships
The interaction you have on social media is an opportunity for you to engage with your customers and demonstrate your customer service. Responding to customer feedback and comments has potential to really enrich your brand and customer rapport, and is a fantastic way to show them that you genuinely care about them.


4. Utilize advertising opportunities to generate leads
Other than utilising social media as a way to engage and make connections with customers, these platforms also create opportunities for paid advertising. For example, you can create marketing campaigns and gain broad visibility among your target audience. This is an inexpensive way to promote your business and share content with targeting options that can help you reach the right audience, and is a great way to generate genuine leads.


5. Shareable content means more brand awareness
Creating content that inspires interaction can certainly increase your brand awareness. Sharing content that will be valuable to your audience will really benefit your social exposure with likes, comments and shares on each post, your content will reach many more users than just your followers. Ensuring that your content is unique and interesting will encourage more users to read your posts, like your page and visit your website.

Content Creation


Like other organizations, your business is likely wrestling with a convergence of changes that are upending the familiar tactics you’ve always used to communicate with prospects and customers.


Growing demographic diversity, the adoption of interactive technologies, and evolving media consumption habits have altered how consumers get information and how they perceive branded communication messages.


As you grapple with how to speak effectively with today’s consumers, you’ve likely heard about something called “content marketing.” Maybe you’ve read about it in an article, or perhaps a colleague or consultant has suggested it to you.


But before you dive in, you need to learn more. What is content marketing anyway? Is it just a fad? Does it actually mean anything, or is it just a cool-sounding buzzword? Could it actually help you achieve your objectives? And if so, how?


First, we define content marketing for you. Second, we show you why content marketing should be part of your communication strategy. Third, we discuss how to get started with content marketing.


What Is Content Marketing?
The Content Marketing Institute offers the following definition of content marketing:


A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.


So first and foremost, content marketing is a strategic marketing approach – not just haphazardly posting items to your social media feeds. You need a clear sense of what you need to accomplish and how your content is supposed to move you closer to your objectives and digital marketing strategy.


Second, your content must benefit a clearly defined audience. Go beyond demographics here. What are the wants, needs, interests, questions, concerns, and pain points of your prospects? How does your product or service fit into their lives? What expertise do you have that is of use to them? What kind of content could you distribute that would inform, entertain, and engage them in a meaningful way?


Third, your content must be valuable, relevant, and consistent – but to whom? To your audience.


  • Valuable – The people who read your blogs or watch your videos must get something worthwhile out of it. They should come away feeling like they’ve learned something or that they’ve been entertained in a way that resonates with their lives and values.
  • Relevant – Your content must address consumers’ wants, needs, and interests. Be that trusted expert they can turn to for answers. Show your audience that you get them – that you understand what’s interesting, funny, heartwarming, or important to them.
  • Consistent – Effective content, delivered over a period of time, makes you instantly recognizable. Your look, feel, tone, and writing style – and of course the substance – should speak with the same voice that helps consumers get to know you and grow familiar with your organization.


Finally, a good content marketing strategy drives profitable customer action. Folks want to do business with organizations who understand “people like me.” They trust the recommendations of other consumers like themselves, so when a friend shares branded content through social media, the message takes on added credibility. Content marketing gives you the opportunity to earn that credibility by creating messages that demonstrate how your product or service can make a positive difference in the lives of your prospects.

Email Marketing


If you’re wondering why more and more brands are sending emails, there’s a simple answer to the question: it works. While investments in the newer channels like social media marketing and online advertising are necessary, you should think twice before shifting your marketing budget away from email. Email is one of the single most effective marketing tools that businesses can use to continually get their name in front of their customers. No matter if you’re selling a product or service or running a non-profit business, brand awareness is key and email marketing is an important channel for you to consider. How come? Email is consistent, targeted, effective and used by over half of the world’s population.


Here are the top 3 reasons you should add email marketing to your Website Marketing plan:


The way you choose to communicate with your customers can dramatically affect your bottom line. Email marketing is an incredibly effective form of communication that happens to be cost-effective. Despite whether the email is opened or clicked, your business name still pops up in the inbox of consumers. Plus, 91% of consumers check their email at least once per day on their smartphone— so the visibility potential is huge!


Email marketing isn’t just about email marketing anymore. It is a gateway to your most important information. It simultaneously ties all of your other marketing campaigns together. You can lead your customers to your social media networks and drive up your following numbers. You can draw people to your blog by offering quick snippets of valuable, engaging content. You can make important product announcements or offer exclusive promotions! You can also use other marketing channels to invite people to opt in to your email blasts!


Email marketing software makes it easy for you to objectively measure your results. After you send a blast, you’ll be able to track the number of opens, clicks, unsubscribes and more. By monitoring your delivery rates, open rates and the total number of click-thru rates your campaign receives, you’ll be able to objectively conclude whether your email marketing budget is enabling a profitable return. If not, you can always make adjustments to your strategy. If it is, you can throw more fuel on the fire and proceed with an even heftier budget.